Getting Started: Naturally Network Job Board Powered by ForceBrands

, Best Practices  |  October 26, 2021
Natural Products Jobs
Visit Job Board

Companies interested in creating a job board profile can fill out this form. Access to the Naturally Network Job Board requires current membership or sponsorship.

Once approved, you will receive an invite to create a company profile on the Naturally Network Job Board. Click on the link provided in your welcome email to set up a profile. You will need to upload a company bio and logo, and then will be able to start posting on the Naturally Network Job Board.

When a company creates a profile and posts a job:

  • You will receive resumes sent both to their email but also can access the applications by logging into your dashboard
  • You will receive an email when your job(s) is close to expiration
  • You will receive an email when your job(s) has expired
  • You will receive weekly job stats emails on Monday mornings
  • The new company profile will now show up on the Naturally Network Job Board, regardless of whether or not it has jobs posted

To post a job, click on the green ‘Post a Job’ button on the left side of the dashboard. Jobs will automatically renew after 45 days. If you would like your role to expire after 45 days, uncheck the “Renew Automatically” toggle before posting.

Any companies who would like to sync their applicant tracking system (ATS) to the Naturally Network job board should reach out to Simone Schroeder, Director of Client Strategy, Digital at ForceBrands.

Companies can log into their Naturally account by visiting

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